Vibration & Nonlinear Dynamics Lab
YEAR 2021
1. HP Phadatare, Barun Pratiher, "Nonlinear dynamics, and chaos of a multi-disk rotating shaft undergoing large deflection mounted on a moving
support", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 137, 103819.
2. HP Phadatare, Barun Pratiher,"Large deflection model for rub-impact analysis in a high-speed rotor-bearing system with mass unbalance" International
Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics., 132, 103702.
YEAR 2020
1. Pravesh Kumar and Barun Pratiher, "Influences of generic payload and constraint force on modal analysis and dynamic responses of flexible
manipulator", Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines (Accepted).
2. Pravesh Kumar and Barun Pratiher, "Position analysis and nonlinear phenomena of flexible manipulator with generic
payload mounted on a moving base" Journal of Multi-body Dynamics.
3. HP Phatadare, B Pratiher, "Dynamic Stability and bifurcation phenomena of an axially loaded flexible shaft-disk system supported
by flexible Bearing", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Sciences (To BE APPEARED)
YEAR: 2019
HP Phatadare, B Pratiher, Nonlinear Modelling, Dynamics and Chaos in a Large Deflection Model of Rotor-disk-bearing System under Geometric Eccentric and Mass Unbalance,Acta Mechica 1-22, 2019.
H P Phatadare, Sankalp Singh and Barun Pratiher, Effect of Unbalance with Bearing Flexibility on Vibration Phenomenon of Geometrically Nonlinear Rotating Shaft with Ball-bearing, iNaCoMM 2019, IIT MANDI, 5-7 Dec., 2019
Sankalp Singh, H P Phatadare, and Barun Pratiher, Condition Monitoring and Identification of Misalignment with Initial Unbalance of Flexible Rotor-Bearing System, iNaCoMM 2019, IIT MANDI, 5-7 Dec., 2019
Pravesh Kumar and Barun Pratiher, Analysis of Parametric Influence on Control of a Two-link Flexible Manipulator Incorporating a Payload, iNaCoMM 2019, IIT MANDI, 5-7 Dec., 2019
P Kumar, B Pratiher, Modal analysis and dynamic responses of a rotating Cartesian manipulator with generic payload and asymmetric load, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 1-20
P Kumar, B Pratiher, Modal characterization with nonlinear behaviors of a two-link flexible manipulator, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 1-20
P Kumar, B Pratiher, Nonlinear modeling and vibration analysis of a two-link flexible manipulator coupled with harmonically driven flexible joints, Mechanism and Machine Theory 131, 278-299
YEAR: 2018
P Kumar, B Pratiher, Modal Identification and Nonlinear Vibration of Flexible Manipulator With Revolute Pair Incorporating Generic Payload ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, USA
MA Tufail, B Pratiher, Structural Analysis of Ground Mounted Solar Panel Array, ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, USA
CSR Prasanth, CS Harsha, B Pratiher, Electrostatic pull-in analysis of a nonuniform micro-resonator undergoing large elastic deflectionProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Scienc
YEAR 2017
HP Phadatare, V Maheshwari, KS Vaidya, B Pratiher, Large deflection model for nonlinear flexural vibration analysis of a highly flexible rotor-bearing system, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 134, 532-544
H Phadatare, B Choudhary, B Pratiher, Evaluation of nonlinear responses and bifurcation of a rotor-bearing system mounted on moving platform, Nonlinear Dynamics 90 (1), 493-511
YEAR 2016
H Phadatare, B Choudhary, B Pratiher, Prediction of pull-in phenomena and structural stability analysis of an electrostatically actuated microswitch, Acta Mechanica 227 (9), 2577-2594
HP Phadatare, B Pratiher, Nonlinear frequencies and unbalanced response analysis of high speed rotor-bearing systems, Procedia Engineering (Elsevier) 144, 801-809
CS Harsha, CSR Prasanth, B Pratiher, Effect of Squeeze Film Damping and AC Actuation Voltage on Pull-in Phenomenon of Electrostatically Actuated Microswitch, Procedia Engineering (Elsevier) 144, 891-899
YEAR: 2015
23. B Choudhary, B Pratiher, Numerical Studies of a Nonlinear Flexible Rotating System Under Harmonic Ground Motion, Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Milan, Italy
YEAR: 2014
B Pratiher, Stability and bifurcation analysis of an electrostatically controlled highly deformable microcantilever-based resonator, Nonlinear Dynamics 78 (3), 1781-1800
CS Harsha, CSR Prasanth, B Pratiher, Modeling and non-linear responses of MEMS capacitive accelerometer, MATEC Web of Conferences 16, 04003
B Choudhary, B Pratiher, Nonlinear responses of externally excited rotor bearing system, MATEC Web of Conferences 16, 03006
YEAR: 2013
S Manda, A Saini, S Khaleeq, R Patel, B Usmani, S Harinipriya, B Pratiher, Thermocells of carbon material electrodes and its performance characteristics, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2 (2), 165-181
S Rai, A Saini, B Pratiher, Parametric instability of carbon nanotubes conveying pulsatile flow considering modified couple stress theory, Proceedings of IIAV (ICSV20, Thailand, Bankok), 886-893.
YEAR: 2012
B Pratiher, S Bhowmick, Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a Cartesian manipulator carrying an end effector placed at an intermediate position, Nonlinear Dynamics 69 (1-2), 539-553
SK Dwivedy, B Pratiher, Reply to the “Comments on parametric instability of a cantilever beam with magnetic field and periodic axial load” Journal of Sound and Vibration 6 (331), 1465-1466
B Pratiher, Tuning the Nonlinear Behaviour of Resonant MEMS Sensors Actuated Electrically, Procedia Engineering 47, 9-12
B Pratiher, Vibration control of a transversely excited cantilever beam with tip mass, Archive of Applied Mechanics 82 (1), 31-42
YEAR: 2011
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Nonlinear response of a soft magneto elastic cantilever beam with end mass under static and dynamics magnetic field, Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (9), 1394-1406
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Nonlinear vibrations and frequency response analysis of a cantilever beam under periodically varying magnetic field, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 39 (3), 378-391
B Pratiher, Non-linear response of a magneto-elastic translating beam with prismatic joint for higher resonance conditions, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 46 (5), 685-692
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Nonlinear response of a vertically moving viscoelastic beam subjected to a fluctuating contact load, Acta mechanica 218 (1-2), 65-85.
YEAR: 2009
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Non-linear dynamics of a soft magneto-elastic Cartesian manipulator, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 44 (7), 757-768
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Nonlinear response of a flexible Cartesian manipulator with payload and pulsating axial force, Nonlinear Dynamics 57 (1-2), 177-195
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Nonlinear vibration of a magneto-elastic cantilever beam with tip mass, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 131 (2), 021011
YEAR: 2008
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Non-linear vibration of a single link viscoelastic Cartesian manipulator, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 43 (8), 683-696
YEAR: 2007 and before
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Non-linear dynamics of a flexible single link Cartesian manipulator, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 42 (9), 1062-1073
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Parametric instability of a cantilever beam with magnetic field and periodic axial load, Journal of Sound and Vibration 305 (4-5), 904-917
B Pratiher, SK Dwivedy, Nonlinear Dynamics of Robotic Manipulator with Flexible Tendons ,NaCoMM 2005, 92-97,
B. Pratiher, B. Sankar, C. S.Gnanamurugan, G. K.George, S. Kasbekar, and S.K. Dwivedy, Dynamic analysis of a single link manipulator with offset payload subjected to two frequency parametric excitations, International Conference on Theoretical Applied Computational and Experimental Mechanics,27-29 Dec. 2007, Kharagpur (INDIA) (Paper No 330).
Barun Pratiher and Sontosha Kumar Dwivedy, Parametric Instability of a Cantilever Beam With Magnetic Field And Axial Load, Second International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, 8-10 December 2006, IIT Guwahati, India.